Explore Our Enriching Programs

Discover a world of nurturing and educational experiences for your child at Carolina Core Development Center. Our carefully crafted programs are designed to foster growth, creativity, and a love for learning. From interactive playgroups to skill-building activities, we provide a supportive environment where every child can thrive. Explore our diverse programs below and join us in shaping a bright future for your little ones.

Tiny Seeds

2 to 3 years old

Tiny Seeds Grow Mighty Leaves

Our Toddler Preschool curriculum nurtures experiences which promote social, emotional, and physical development. With the guidance of early childhood professionals, children engage in in-depth projects which provide stimulation and spark curiosity, expanding their knowledge about the world around them.

Sweet Bunch

3 to 4 years old

Tiny Seeds Grow Mighty Leaves

The Preschool curriculum fully supports investigation, exploration and discovery through thoughtful, intentional teaching practices, purposefully designed learning environments, and enriched activities. We expand learning with the introduction of simple pre-academic concepts, emphasizing fine motor skills, mathematical language, literacy appreciation, and pro-social skills.

Good Apples

4 to 5 years old

Tiny Seeds Grow Mighty Leaves

Our Kindergarten Readiness curriculum emphasizes academic preparedness. Students are introduced to concepts in the core domains of literacy, mathematics, scientific thinking, creative arts and social studies. In addition, we encourage growth in the areas of positive self- concept, emotional expression, complex problem solving and healthy interactions with adults and peers.

We Provide Meals




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